Grand Designs Magazine 2019

Did you know we were featured in the March issue of Grand Designs Magazine?

This was a very exciting moment for me as I have grown up watching Grand Designs and wanted to undertake a property renovation similar to those that you see in the magazines and TV shows so to be featured in the magazine was literally a dream come true.

For me Grand Designs is more than just about the interiors it’s about the whole house construction and interior design working together to create a home that works for you.

It was such an exciting day having the photographer here and getting to see our property, which we had painstakingly renovated with the help of builders, through other peoples eyes.

In the article we talk about what it was about the property that drew us to it, the little original gems we uncovered throughout the renovation and also the process we went through to get it finished.

Below are a few images of the magazine.

Interior Designer North Wales